Jennifer Peters, who serves as one of four principals at Fusion Design Consultants, Inc, sheds light on her role as a woman in a leadership position at an architectural firm.
How would you describe your role in shaping discussions about women in architecture/interior design?
My discussions about women in the design field evolve naturally on their own and are not actually planned or strategized. When the opportunity presents itself, I will encourage women (or anyone) to become a part of the architecture and design field and hope that my own passion and enthusiasm shines through and serves as a catalyst.
Reflecting on your organization’s work in promoting young women leaders, what are you most proud of?
I am very proud of the environment that we have created that makes young women feel safe, empowered and free to pursue their own creativity. Rather than literally promoting young women leaders, Fusion Design has taken great pains to create an atmosphere where they can work, grow and flourish on their own.
Why is it important to promote young women leaders for your organization now?
We have always preferred to promote from within. We hire young women designers – frequently right out of college – and give them the opportunity to rise as far as their dedication, ambition and commitment will take them. It has always been important for women to take their rightful place in shaping our culture, environment and work place, but it is even more important than ever in 2017 to continue to crack the glass ceiling.
What advice would you share with other young women interested in advancing their career as a leader?
The best advice I can give (to anyone) is to work hard, be authentic and challenge yourself beyond what you think is possible. Whatever your current role, reach beyond your current parameters and show your colleagues what you are capable of accomplishing. Many leaders are born, but some are created along the way by offering them an open, collaborative and synergetic workplace – which they can find at Fusion Design.
What advice would you share with another organization trying to promote women leaders?
Look for the best and the brightest, but also the most authentic, the most credible and the most faithful. These will be the new leaders coming into our industry.
What would your peers say about you as a leader at Fusion?
I hope that my peers know I am devoted to my craft, passionate about my work, steadfast in my integrity and very excited to be a leader at Fusion Design Consultants.